Friday, January 26, 2018

Thing 1 - My dabblings in the virtual world

Hello there, welcome to my blog.

I am a first year PhD student in the University of Surrey. I am enjoying my PhD experience and am considering working towards a career in academia. But, I am not quite sure where to begin, which brings me to one of the reasons why I am participating in 23 Things. I am interested in learning how to conduct public engagement online, as well as what opportunities there are for networking, sharing ideas with and learning from peers and professionals in the virtual space.

I like the idea that 23 Things adopts a hands-on approach and gets us to dabble our feet into online social media from the very beginning. I am not technologically savvy, and the virtual world looks somewhat daunting to me. Besides having a personal Facebook account, I have not used any other social media platforms. Nor do I know what it means to use these platforms professionally. Being shown how to navigate my way around the virtual world, and the opportunities which social media visibility provides, seems too good an offer to miss! I am hoping that at the end of this course, I will be sufficiently proficient in using blogs and online social networking platforms for public engagement. I would also like to maintain a professional profile on platforms such as LinkedIn to increase my online visibility.

So, here it is, my first blog to kick-start this learning journey.